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I Pose Therefore I Pride
Corporate identity of a Tea shop in Taichung, Taiwan.
我假會 我驕傲|台中選茶|台湾ドリンク
Since 2020
I Pose Therefore I Pride 我假會 我驕傲
iposeiprideLINE →
@990nyvzuThe word “pose” in Taiwanese means a person pretends he/she has knowledge on something but that is not the truth. The sentence “I _ _ therefore I pride” goes viral these years standing for a situation which makes them unconfident, however the fact exactly because it is not the majority makes people find it more valuable. ⊘Brand Philosophy: When the Covid pandemic is coming along with the pressure of social disruption around the world, I choose to stay positive with a sense of humour. 時代在走,自信要有。 ⊘Brand Endorser:
台語的「假會」常被用來諷刺某人不懂裝懂, 「我OO 我驕傲」為流行用語,常用於非主流的人事物,增加其自信。 ⊘品牌精神: 當疫情迎我而來,當社會壓力迎我而來,我選擇堅強幽默地面對! 時代在走,自信要有。 來自蜜雪兒‧歐巴馬的啟發: 『重點不在於追求完美,也不在於你最後把自己帶向哪裡。讓別人認識自己、聽到自己,創造屬於自己的獨特故事。』 ⊘品牌代言人: 自由的假會女神 她驕傲的眼神絕對不言而喻吧。 她高舉的不是火炬,而是我假會我驕傲的代言飲品啊~
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