If you would like to collab or have any questions, give me a shout. → liuweijiun@gmail.com
Skin Consultation
Landing pages for Mediplus skin consultation.
November 25th, 2020
Mediplus | 美樂思 | メディプラス
Ai Nakatsukasa | Weijiun
Weijiun | Aiden
Skin ConsultationSkin Consultation is a project aims to help customer understand their skin condition and choose appropriate skincares or methods. My team and client - Mediplus decided to create this consultation with 5 simple questions and provide recommended skincare to customer meanwhile the product could get much exposure. ❍ Consulting experience (for customer): → skin problems → skin counsultation → get the result with recommended skincare → get discount on product ❍ Brand exposure (for Mediplus): → create segments form the result of skin consultation → match product and segments → make marketing strategies and aim at specific segments 5 questions Q1:Please select your age group. 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50+ Q2:Please select the area of the face occurs the most skin problems. forehead | nose | cheeks | chin Q3:Please slect the period or situation when you usually have skin problems. | Before menstrual period. | When you don't get enough sleep. | When you have an unbalanced diet. | During the change of seasons. Q4:Please select your skin type. | dry | combination | sensitive | oily | normal Q5:How would you like to improve your skin condition? | Dreyness of the face and seperation after makeup. | Oily skin before makeup. | Dull skin and loss of elasticity after waking up in the moring. | Tightness after face washing. | Blackheads appear on the face.
為美樂思保養品牌規劃「肌膚檢測單元」,幫助顧客了解自己的肌膚狀態,並選用適合的保養方式。為其討論及設計 5道基礎問題, 透過簡單互動方式讓顧客完成小測驗,也為品牌增加主推商品的曝光度。 ❍ 消費者體驗: → 肌膚困擾 → 進行肌膚檢測 → 獲得保養建議及推薦商品 → 體驗美樂思保養品 ❍ 品牌曝光規劃: → 肌膚檢測進行分眾 → 配對肌膚困擾與保養品功效 → 曝光適合的商品 5道基礎問題: Q1:請選擇您的年齡 20-29歲 | 30-39歲 | 40-49歲 | 50歲以上 Q2:感到困擾的肌膚部位?(請點選臉部示意圖) 額頭 | 鼻子 | 臉頰 | 下巴 Q3:膚況不佳的時間是? | 生理期前 | 睡眠不足時 | 飲食不均衡 | 換季期間 Q4:請選擇您的肌膚類型? | 乾性肌 | 混合肌 | 敏感肌 | 油性肌 | 中性肌 Q5:您最在意也最希望獲得什麼改善? | 妝後的乾燥和脫妝問題 | 妝前的黏膩感 | 早上起床,肌膚暗沉,沒有彈性 | 洗臉後的緊繃感 | 臉上毛孔的黑頭浮出
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