If you would like to collab or have any questions, give me a shout. → liuweijiun@gmail.com
Origami workshop
MA|Charity Collaboration|Love me Love my mind
May 13th, 2019
Love my Love my mind
G.F Smith
Weijiun Yucheng Karina
⊘Redesign to make the origami easier: For the people with mental issue. • Collaborated with G.F Smith, one of the greates paper merchant in the UK. • Arranged an origami session at Love Me Love My Mind The project collaborated with Love Me Love My Mind which is a charity based in Epsom Surrey and aimed to help people with anxiety to overcome it whenever they are struggling. This project was developed based on the fact that we never know when anxiety might hit nor are aware of the different reactions each person might have. Therefore, the redesigned origami can be used in the moment of the anxiety attack, as an emergency kit, or as a long term treatment. With this new kind of therapy, a mindfulness process is explored and developed. Having an object or an activity to focus on during an anxiety attack has been proved to be a coping mechanism. The same happens with origami, an ancient craft that can be used not only in the development of different parts of the brain but also to enhance mindfulness for people of all ages. People can finish this redesigned origami by the order of numbers and three simple rules : straight line means to fold the paper along it. Dashed line stands for folding paper then reopen it. Always match the same coloured line. The instructions can lead the beginner to finish origami arts easily.
⊘重新設計讓摺紙藝術更簡單: 幫助有心理壓力或疾病的人 • 與英國最大紙商之一的 G.F Smith 合作贊助需要的紙材。 • 與慈善組織 Love Me Love My Mind 安排一個摺紙藝術活動 此慈善設計專案與Epsom當地的組織 Love Me Love My Mind 提案合作,希望幫助正在面對焦慮症等問題的人克服心理狀態。 由於每個人可能無法隨時處理或意識到心理狀態不佳的狀態於什麼情況下會發生,因此此專案研究以更簡單的方式,讓一般人可以獨立完成摺紙。 作為一種長期穩定心理狀態的紓壓方式。 透過新的摺紙方式,能持續培養平靜正念的心理狀態。在焦慮症發作時,專注於一個事物或一項活動被證實可以成為一種心理的應對機制。 而摺紙藝術這項從古至今的工藝,對任何年齡層的人來說,不只能幫助腦部發展還能獲得心理的正念與平靜。 只要跟著簡單的3個規則與順序就可以完成這個特別設計的摺紙蝴蝶。 第一,2個一樣的數字對準實心直線對折。 第二,2個一樣的數字對準虛線對折後再打開。 第三,以相同顏色的細線與數字對折至相同顏色的粗線與數字。 透過這種方式讓一般人都可以輕鬆完成摺紙藝術並從中獲得成就感。
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