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Fanshucon 番薯控
Redesigned sweet potato festival at Chinshan in New Taipei city
April 11th, 2016
Fanshucon 番薯控
台北商業大學校內展|NTUB|April 11-15 華山文創園區畢業展|Huashan|May 12-14
● Sweet Potato Festival: A whole new campaign design for sweet potato festival at Jinshan District in Taiwan. Location and environment in Jinshan provides excellant conditions to plant sweet potato with high nutrivalue and perfect taste. The theme of exhibition is "Cone cell" which allows the perception of color in human eye. Therefore, every team had to pick a presented color then developed to their final project. The exhibition consisted 9 colour projects to form our graduation show "Cone cell". My team got yellow as our primary colour then we had so many ideas to discuss. We then decided to promote sweet potato which means a lot to Taiwanese. Firstly, there is a fun fact that all of us learned the shape of Taiwan just looks like a sweet potato from class when we were primary school students. Secondly, in history it's easy to plant and also the only main food that all the people can afford it. Last but not least, sweet potato becomes one of the most important food especially in health diet nowadays. Local government has already arranged the festival every year however we would like to give a more attractive campaign design for Sweet Potato Festival. ● Outcomes: ❍ Uncle Hunjee |Pronunciation of potato in Taiwanese. |The character created for campaign with cute farmer style. ❍ Map |Recommended cuisine, attractions and accommodation in Jinshan. |Laser engraving title on thick cards as map's cover and back. |Map was folded in triangle hiding in potato shape cards. ❍ Poster |Uncle Hunjee tells date and location for the festival. ❍ Leaflet of building an earth oven |The most important event is to bake sweet potatoes in your own earth oven. |This leaflet leads the way to build an earth oven with clear illustrations and instructions. ❍ Totebag & paperbag |Screen Printing by our teammates for every each bag. ❍ Postcards |Illustration of Uncle Hunjee at beautiful views in Jinshan. ❍ Mug |Applied lovely potato illustration by thermal transfer on mugs. ❍ Stamps & activity card |Hand-carving stamps and activity card encourage to collect and go through all the stops. ❍ Uncle Hanjee's stickers sells on Line (social media) ● Why is Fanshucon: "Fanshu" is the pronunciation of sweet potato in Mandarin. There are 2 definitions of "Con". One means baking it in earth oven in Taiwanese and the other stands for who is something lover so we put "Fanshu" prior to "Con" as sweet potato lover.
● 金山甘藷節: 此專案為台灣金山區甘藷節全新活動設計。 金山的地理位置和環境為甘藷提供了得天獨厚的種植條件,使其營養價值高、口感香甜。 畢業展的主題是「視錐細胞」,它可以讓人眼感知顏色。 因此,每個團隊都必須抽選一個顏色,並發展為最終各組的畢業專題。 「視錐細胞」畢業展因此由9個顏色的專題所組成。 我的團隊抽到黃色作為我們的主題顏色,為此我們進行多次的討論。 最後我們決定推廣金山甘藷為主題,也因為甘藷對台灣人來說意義重大也有許多原因。 第一,大家一定都知道台灣的形狀就像一顆蕃薯。其次,因為蕃薯容易栽種,過去在貧窮的年代,也是唯一讓所有人都能買得起的主食。 最後,蕃薯成為現今健康飲食中最重要的食物之一。新北政府每年都會舉辦金山甘藷節, 但我們希望為推廣蕃薯提供更有吸引力的活動設計。 ● 製作物: ❍ 憨吉伯 |蕃薯的台語命名。 |可愛農夫裝的新角色。 ❍ 地圖 |金山推薦美食、景點、及住宿等。 |雷雕標題「金山甘藷節」於厚紙卡作為地圖封面及封底,並結合「台灣」與「蕃薯」形狀切割。 |地圖內頁折成三角形摺疊收合黏於蕃薯紙卡內,打開為長條的金山地圖。 ❍ 海報 |以憨吉伯介紹活動、日期與地點。 ❍ 控窯的指示書小卡 |控窯烤蕃薯是最重要的活動之一。 |十字折疊小卡,用清楚的插畫與文字說明與引導親子一同建造控窯的方式。 ❍ 托特包 & 紙袋 |自製手工網版印刷,印製每個托特包與紙袋。 ❍ 明信片 |插畫繪製憨吉伯於金山景點作為紀念。 ❍ 馬克杯 |利用熱轉印方式印製可愛蕃薯插圖於馬克杯上。 ❍ 印章 & 活動集點卡 |手刻橡皮印章與活動集點卡,鼓勵大家參與每一項活動,也藉此多認識金山。 ❍ 推出Line的「憨吉伯」系列貼圖 ● 為什麼是番薯控: 「Fanshu」是中文蕃薯的發音直寫。「Con」有兩個涵義, 一個是控窯的意思,另一個是指對某項物品的特別愛好,因此合併「蕃薯」「控」, 指出對蕃薯的熱愛。
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